Read the following lines from the poem a contribution to statistics

glad to lend a hand if it doesnt take too long as high as forty nine, always good because they cant be otherwise four well maybe 5.

The speaker shares high and low statistical data most likely to
A. convince the reader that people are usually helpful to others
B.present a balanced perspective of human qualities
C. highlight the fact that most people lead very busy lives
D. show that goodness can be found in almost everyone.

B. present a balanced perspective of human qualities


D. show that goodness can be found in almost everyone.

To determine the answer to this question, we need to analyze the lines from the poem and understand their intended meaning.

The lines from the poem mention high and low statistical data, such as "as high as forty nine" and "four well maybe 5." This implies that the speaker is sharing different levels of assistance or willingness to help others.

Option A suggests that the speaker is trying to convince the reader that people are usually helpful to others. Although the lines do mention both high and low levels of assistance, it does not necessarily imply that people are usually helpful.

Option B suggests that the speaker is presenting a balanced perspective of human qualities. This is a possibility, as the lines mention both high and low levels of assistance, indicating a range of human behaviors.

Option C suggests that the lines highlight the fact that most people lead very busy lives. However, the lines do not directly mention anything about people being busy.

Option D suggests that the lines show that goodness can be found in almost everyone. This option seems to be the most suitable answer because the lines mention a range of assistance, from high to low, implying that everyone has the potential for both goodness and the opposite.

Therefore, the most likely answer is D, to show that goodness can be found in almost everyone.