Read the “Jabberwocky” poem by Lewis Carol on page 6. Then answer the following questions.

Each stanza of the poem has how many lines? ______________
What is the rhyme scheme of each stanza? __________________
Give two examples of onamotopoeia from stanza 4.

Each stanza of the poem has four lines.

The rhyme scheme of each stanza is AABB.
Two examples of onamotopoeia from stanza 4 are "slithy" and "toves".

To answer these questions, you will need to access the specified page (page 6) and locate the "Jabberwocky" poem by Lewis Carroll. Once you have the text in front of you, you can follow these steps to find the answers:

1. Count the lines in each stanza: Read the poem and count the number of lines in each stanza. Stanzas are groups of lines separated from each other by white space or indentation. Count the lines of the first stanza, and note the number. Repeat this process for the remaining stanzas. The number of lines in each stanza will give you the answer to the first question.

2. Determine the rhyme scheme of each stanza: To identify the rhyme scheme, examine the end words of each line within a particular stanza. Assign a unique letter to each different rhyme sound. For example, if two lines end with the words "hat" and "cat," assign both lines the letter "A." If the next set of rhyming words ends with "dog" and "log," assign them the letter "B." Continue assigning letters to the end words until you have identified the rhyme scheme for each stanza.

3. Identify examples of onomatopoeia from stanza 4: Onomatopoeia refers to words that imitate or suggest the sound of what they describe. Read stanza 4 carefully and look for words that might fit this description. Examples could include words like "snicker-snack," "whiffle," or anything else that might evoke a distinct sound. Identify at least two words in stanza 4 that represent onomatopoeia.

By following these steps and referencing the specific page and poem, you should be able to answer the given questions about the "Jabberwocky" poem.

To answer your questions about "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carroll, please provide the text of the poem.