Simon is expecting a new baby sister. Simon predicts the baby will weigh 6 and one-half pounds at birth. Calculate the percent error of Simon's estimate if the baby's weight at birth is 8 and one-quarter pounds.(1 point)

Simon predicted the baby's weight to be 6 and one-half pounds, which is 6.5 pounds.

The baby's actual weight at birth is 8 and one-quarter pounds, which is 8.25 pounds.
To calculate the percent error, we use the formula:

Percent Error = (|Predicted Value - Actual Value| / Actual Value) x 100%

Percent Error = (|6.5 - 8.25| / 8.25) x 100%
Percent Error = (|-1.75| / 8.25) x 100%
Percent Error = (1.75 / 8.25) x 100%
Percent Error = 0.2121 x 100%
Percent Error ≈ 21.21%

Therefore, the percent error of Simon's estimate is approximately 21.21%.