Simon is expecting a new baby sister. Simon predicts the baby will weigh 6 and one-half pounds at birth. Calculate the

percent error of Simon's estimate if the baby's weight at birth is 8 and one-quarter pounds. (1 point) 216 0.21%


O 25%

To calculate the percent error, we need to find the difference between Simon's estimate and the actual weight of the baby, and then divide that difference by the actual weight.

Simon's estimate: 6.5 pounds
Actual weight: 8.25 pounds

Difference = Actual weight - Simon's estimate = 8.25 - 6.5 = 1.75

Percent error = (Difference / Actual weight) * 100 = (1.75 / 8.25) * 100 = 0.21212... * 100 = 21.2%

So, the percent error of Simon's estimate is 21.2%, which can be rounded to 21%. Therefore, the correct answer is 21%.

To calculate the percent error, you need to find the difference between Simon's estimate and the actual weight of the baby, and then divide that difference by the actual weight. The formula for percent error is:

Percent Error = (|Estimated Value - Actual Value| / Actual Value) * 100%

Let's apply this formula to the given scenario:
Simon's estimate: 6 and one-half pounds = 6.5 pounds
Actual weight: 8 and one-quarter pounds = 8.25 pounds

Now, calculate the difference:
Difference = |Estimated Value - Actual Value| = |6.5 - 8.25|

Next, divide the difference by the actual value:
Percent Error = (|6.5 - 8.25| / 8.25) * 100%

Simplifying further:
Percent Error = (1.75 / 8.25) * 100%

Now, divide 1.75 by 8.25:
Percent Error = 0.2121 * 100%

Finally, round the result to the nearest whole number:
Percent Error ≈ 21%

Therefore, the correct answer is:

To calculate the percentage error of Simon's estimate, you need to find the absolute difference between Simon's estimate and the actual weight of the baby at birth, and then express that difference as a percentage of Simon's estimate.

Simon's estimate: 6 and one-half pounds = 6.5 pounds
Actual weight: 8 and one-quarter pounds = 8.25 pounds

Step 1: Find the absolute difference between Simon's estimate and the actual weight:
Absolute difference = |Simon's estimate - Actual weight|
Absolute difference = |6.5 - 8.25|
Absolute difference = | -1.75| = 1.75

Step 2: Calculate the percentage difference:
Percentage difference = (Absolute difference / Simon's estimate) x 100%
Percentage difference = (1.75 / 6.5) x 100%
Percentage difference = 0.269 x 100% ≈ 26.9%

Therefore, the percentage error of Simon's estimate is approximately 26.9%.