The graph shows the number of handbags that Mandy made in one day. What are the variables? Describe how the variables are related.

An image is shown of a function on a coordinate plane whose graph resembles a staircase. The graph is titled 'Mandy's Handbags.' The x-axis is labeled 'time,' and the y-axis is labeled 'number of handbags.' The graph starts on the x-axis slightly to the right of the origin and repeats a vertical then horizontal path three times.

The variables in this graph are "time" and "number of handbags."

The "time" variable is represented by the x-axis, which measures the amount of time that has passed. It is likely measured in intervals such as hours or minutes.

The "number of handbags" variable is represented by the y-axis, which measures the quantity of handbags that Mandy made during that specific amount of time.

The graph shows a staircase-like pattern, where the number of handbags increases steadily over time and then remains constant for a period before increasing again. This suggests that Mandy has a consistent rate of production, where she makes a certain number of handbags in a specific amount of time and then takes a break or pauses before resuming production. The graph repeats this pattern three times, indicating that Mandy made handbags on three separate occasions throughout the day.