The graph shows the number of cups of coffee Sherwin consumed in one day and the number of hours he slept that same night:

A scatter plot is shown. Data points are located at 1 and 9, 3 and 5, 5 and 6, 4 and 4, 2 and 7, and 6 and 4. A line of best fit crosses the y-axis at 10 and passes through the point 6 and 4.
How many hours will Sherwin most likely sleep if he consumes 9 cups of coffee? (4 points)

1, because y = −x + 10
2, because y = −x + 10
9, because y = −x + 10
10, because y = −x + 10

To help us answer this question, we need to use the equation of the line of best fit, which is given as:

y = -x + 10

where x represents the number of cups of coffee Sherwin consumes and y represents the number of hours he sleeps.

If Sherwin consumes 9 cups of coffee, we can substitute x = 9 into the equation and solve for y:

y = -9 + 10

y = 1

Therefore, Sherwin is most likely to sleep for 1 hour if he consumes 9 cups of coffee, according to the line of best fit.

So the answer is: 1, because y = −x + 10

To find out how many hours Sherwin will most likely sleep if he consumes 9 cups of coffee, we need to use the equation of the line of best fit. Given that the equation is y = -x + 10, where x represents the number of cups of coffee consumed and y represents the number of hours slept, we can substitute x with 9:

y = -9 + 10

Simplifying the equation, we get:

y = 1

Therefore, if Sherwin consumes 9 cups of coffee, he will most likely sleep for 1 hour. So the correct answer is 1.

To determine the number of hours Sherwin will most likely sleep if he consumes 9 cups of coffee, you need to look at the equation of the line of best fit provided.

The equation of the line of best fit is given as y = -x + 10.

To find the value of y (representing hours of sleep) when x (number of coffee cups) is 9, substitute x = 9 into the equation:

y = -(9) + 10
y = -9 + 10
y = 1

Therefore, Sherwin will most likely sleep for 1 hour if he consumes 9 cups of coffee.