Which battle resulted in many American soldiers deserting the army?

a) Trenton

b) Bunker Hill

c) Cowpens

d) Long Island

The correct answer is d) Long Island.

At which battle did the Americans and French surround the British forcing them to surrender?

a) Trenton

b) Saratoga

c) Yorktown

d) Brandywine

The correct answer is c) Yorktown.

The "shots heard around the world" were fired at

a) Trenton

b) Lexington

c) Yorktown

d) Bunker Hill

The correct answer is b) Lexington.

Which group was paid by the British to help fight the American Revolution?

a) Hessians

b) Spanish

c) French

d) Minute-men

The correct answer is a) Hessians. They were German mercenaries hired by the British to fight against the American colonists in the Revolutionary War.

What did the Americans gain from the Treaty of Paris?

a) permission to use British forts in Canada

b) claim to the land called Florida

c) the right to free trade with Britain

d) complete independence from Britai

The correct answer is d) complete independence from Britain. The Treaty of Paris, signed in 1783, officially ended the American Revolutionary War and recognized the United States as an independent nation.

To determine which battle resulted in many American soldiers deserting the army, we can eliminate the incorrect options by examining the historical context and the outcome of each battle.

a) Trenton: The Battle of Trenton, which took place in New Jersey on December 26, 1776, was a pivotal American victory during the American Revolutionary War. The Battle of Trenton did not result in a significant number of American soldiers deserting the army.

b) Bunker Hill: The Battle of Bunker Hill, fought on June 17, 1775, near Boston, Massachusetts, was an early battle in the Revolutionary War. While the battle had a heavy toll on both sides, there is no historical evidence to suggest that it caused significant desertions among American soldiers.

c) Cowpens: The Battle of Cowpens, fought on January 17, 1781, in South Carolina, was a decisive American victory during the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War. Similar to the previous battles, there is no specific historical record indicating a high desertion rate as a result of the Battle of Cowpens.

d) Long Island: The Battle of Long Island, also known as the Battle of Brooklyn, took place from August 27 to August 30, 1776, and was an early engagement between the British and American forces during the Revolutionary War. This battle resulted in a significant defeat for the Americans, leading to the loss of approximately 1,000 soldiers and further deteriorating morale among the American troops. Desertions did occur, with reports suggesting that many American soldiers abandoned their positions and left the army following the defeat at Long Island.

Based on historical records, the battle that resulted in many American soldiers deserting the army is d) Long Island.