Use the paragraph to answer the question.

Sylvia woke up exactly when she should have been walking out the door to the bus stop. She bolted out of bed, threw on her school clothes, and rushed out the door. She could not be late today. Not today of all days. Just as she rounded the corner to the bus stop, hoping she hadn’t missed it, she felt a sharp tug at her back. A strap of her backpack was tangled in a broken fence. Not today! Sylvia thought to herself.
Which paragraph would help build tension if added to the story?
(1 point)
She yanked hard on the backpack and heard a tearing sound, but she didn’t care. The bus was coming to a stop. She raced to it, climbed on, and slumped down into her seat, relieved. That was too close for comfort, she thought to herself.
She yanked hard on the backpack and heard a tearing sound, but she didn’t care. The bus was coming to a stop. She raced to it, climbed on, and slumped down into her seat, relieved. That was too close for comfort , she thought to herself.

As she struggled to free herself, the bus pulled into view. She waved her arms wildly, but the driver didn’t notice her. And she was still stuck. What was she going to do? She could not be late to school today.
As she struggled to free herself, the bus pulled into view. She waved her arms wildly, but the driver didn’t notice her. And she was still stuck. What was she going to do? She could not be late to school today.
She pulled on the backpack, but it wouldn’t come free. Oh well, she thought to herself, and sat down …

She pulled on the backpack, but it wouldn’t come free. Oh well, she thought to herself, and sat down on the ground, defeated.