You are training twice a week for a race. On Monday, you go 4 miles in 40 minutes. Then on Wednesday you go 2 miles in 16 minutes.

Write an equation where y is the number of miles and I is the time in minutes for the day you ran the fastest for the week. (1 point)

Let's denote the number of miles as y and the time in minutes as t for the day you ran the fastest. Since we want to find the day with the fastest time, we need to compare the times for both Monday and Wednesday.

For Monday, the equation would be y = 4 miles and t = 40 minutes.
For Wednesday, the equation would be y = 2 miles and t = 16 minutes.

To find the day with the fastest time, we need to minimize t, which means finding the smallest value of t among both days.

Therefore, the equation becomes I = t, representing the time in minutes for the day you ran the fastest for the week.