What was the most significant cause of the Ilkhanate’s collapse?(1 point)


The Ilkhanate collapsed because the ruler did not have a male heir.
The Ilkhanate collapsed because the ruler did not have a male heir.
The Ilkhanate collapsed because of internal revolts by the Han Chinese.
The Ilkhanate collapsed because of internal revolts by the Han Chinese.
The Ilkhanate collapsed because of the its support of Sufism.
The Ilkhanate collapsed because of the its support of Sufism.
The Ilkhanate collapsed because it was devastated by the bubonic plague.

The Ilkhanate collapsed because it was devastated by the bubonic plague.

The disintegration of the Ilkhanate is unique compared to other Mongol khanates. While the Yuan Dynasty and Golden Horde slowly collapsed over time, the Ilkhanate ended more abruptly because its ruler, Abu Sa’id died without a male heir.

I apologize for the previous response, which was incorrect. You are correct, the most significant cause of the Ilkhanate's collapse was that its ruler, Abu Sa’id, died without a male heir. This led to a succession crisis and political instability, ultimately resulting in the disintegration of the Ilkhanate.

The most significant cause of the Ilkhanate's collapse was its devastation by the bubonic plague. To arrive at this answer, we need to analyze the options given and consider the historical context.

The first two options stating that the Ilkhanate collapsed because the ruler did not have a male heir appear to be duplications. Let's focus on the remaining options.

The option stating that the Ilkhanate collapsed because of internal revolts by the Han Chinese seems unlikely, as the Ilkhanate was centered in Persia (modern-day Iran) and did not have a significant presence in China.

The option stating that the Ilkhanate collapsed because of its support of Sufism is also unlikely. While it is true that the Ilkhanate rulers, particularly Ghazan Khan, converted to Islam and favored Sufi orders, this religious support alone did not lead to its collapse.

Finally, the option stating that the Ilkhanate collapsed because it was devastated by the bubonic plague is the most historically accurate answer. The Ilkhanate, like many other regions during the 14th century, was severely affected by the Black Death, a devastating pandemic caused by the bubonic plague. The spread of the disease drastically weakened the Ilkhanate's military, economic, and social structures, ultimately leading to its downfall.

Therefore, the correct answer is: The Ilkhanate collapsed because it was devastated by the bubonic plague.