Luis is making chocolate chip cookies. The recipe calls for 18 cup of almonds for every 34 cup of chocolate chips. If Luis uses 3 cups of chocolate chips, how many cups of almonds will he need? Round to the nearest tenth.(1 point)


A 0.8 cup

B 18.0 cups

C 0.5 cup

D 0.4 cup

To find out how many cups of almonds Luis will need, we can set up a proportion.

The ratio of almonds to chocolate chips is 18 cups to 34 cups.

Let x be the number of cups of almonds Luis will need.

18/34 = x/3

Cross multiplying, we get:

34x = 18 * 3

34x = 54

Dividing both sides by 34, we get:

x = 54/34

x ≈ 1.59

Therefore, Luis will need approximately 1.6 cups of almonds.

Rounded to the nearest tenth, the answer is 1.6 cups.

So, the correct answer is not given in the options provided.