Luis is making chocolate chip cookies. The recipe calls for 1/8 * cup of almonds for every 3/4 cup of chocolate chips. If Luis uses 3 cups of chocolate chips, how many cups of almonds will he need? Round to the nearest tenth. (1 point)

A 0.5 cup

B 18.0 cups

C 08 cup

D 0.4 cup

The ratio of almonds to chocolate chips is 1/8 : 3/4. To find the amount of almonds Luis will need, we can set up a proportion:

x / 3 = 1/8 / 3/4

Simplifying the right side of the equation:

x / 3 = (1/8) * (4/3)
x / 3 = 1/6
x = 3 * 1/6
x = 1/2

Therefore, Luis will need 1/2 cup of almonds.

Rounded to the nearest tenth, the answer is: A 0.5 cup.

To find the number of cups of almonds Luis will need, we can use the ratio given in the recipe: 1/8 cup of almonds for every 3/4 cup of chocolate chips.

First, let's find the ratio of chocolate chips to almonds:

3/4 cup of chocolate chips : 1/8 cup of almonds

To maintain the same ratio, we can multiply both sides of the ratio by the same factor. In this case, we can multiply both sides by 8 to get whole numbers:

(3/4) * 8 cup of chocolate chips : (1/8) * 8 cup of almonds
6 cups of chocolate chips : 1 cup of almonds

So for 6 cups of chocolate chips, Luis will need 1 cup of almonds.

Now, we can find how many cups of almonds Luis will need if he uses 3 cups of chocolate chips. We can set up a proportion:

6 cups of chocolate chips = 1 cup of almonds
3 cups of chocolate chips = x cups of almonds

Cross-multiplying, we get:

6 * x = 3 * 1
6x = 3
x = 3/6
x = 0.5

Therefore, Luis will need 0.5 cups of almonds (rounded to the nearest tenth).

The correct answer is A) 0.5 cup.

To find out how many cups of almonds Luis will need, we need to use the given ratio of almonds to chocolate chips.

The ratio is 1/8 cup of almonds for every 3/4 cup of chocolate chips.

First, we need to find out how many groups of 3/4 cup of chocolate chips are in 3 cups.

3 cups of chocolate chips / (3/4 cup of chocolate chips per group) = (3 * 4) / 3 = 12

So, there are 12 groups of 3/4 cup of chocolate chips in 3 cups.

Now, we can use this information to find out how many cups of almonds Luis will need.

Since there is 1/8 cup of almonds for every 3/4 cup of chocolate chips, for each group, Luis will need 1/8 cup of almonds.

So, Luis will need (12 groups * 1/8 cup of almonds per group) = 12/8 = 1.5 cups of almonds.

To round to the nearest tenth, 1.5 cups becomes 1.5 cups.

Therefore, Luis will need 1.5 cups of almonds.

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