Differentiate between Android and iOS Mobile Operating System.

Android and iOS are two distinct mobile operating systems used in smartphones and tablets. Here are the main differences between them:

1. Developed by: Android is developed by Google, while iOS is developed by Apple.

2. Availability: Android is an open-source operating system, meaning it is available to multiple device manufacturers, leading to a wide range of Android devices in the market. On the other hand, iOS is exclusively used on Apple devices, such as iPhones and iPads.

3. Customizability: Android offers a higher level of customization, allowing users to modify the appearance and layout of their device extensively. In contrast, iOS has a more locked-down approach, limiting customization options to preserve a consistent user experience.

4. App Store: Android utilizes the Google Play Store to download applications, and it has a more lenient app approval process, resulting in a larger variety of apps. iOS uses the Apple App Store, which follows stricter guidelines and quality control, ensuring more secure and reliable apps.

5. User Interface: Android provides a more diverse user interface, with multiple device manufacturers offering their own customized skins or overlays on top of the base Android software. iOS maintains a consistent and standardized user interface across all Apple devices.

6. Integration: iOS is renowned for its seamless integration with other Apple devices and services, such as macOS, iCloud, and Apple Watch, ensuring a unified ecosystem. Though Android has made strides in improving integration with other platforms, its compatibility may vary depending on the device manufacturer and software version.

7. User Base: Android holds a larger global market share due to its availability on numerous devices and price ranges, making it more accessible to a wider audience. iOS has a more concentrated user base, primarily consisting of users of Apple devices.

8. Privacy and Security: iOS is generally considered to have stronger privacy and security measures due to Apple's strict app approval process, encrypted messaging services, and built-in security features. Android, being more open-source, can be susceptible to fragmentation and potential security vulnerabilities.

Ultimately, the choice between Android and iOS often depends on personal preferences, desired level of customization, ecosystem compatibility, and the specific features and apps required by the user.