Which sentence pattern describes the sentence below? Hybrids produce less pollution than conventional cars.(1 point)ResponsesS-V-OS-V-OS-V-IOS-V-IOS-V-NS-V-NS-V-A


The sentence pattern that describes the sentence "Hybrids produce less pollution than conventional cars." is S-V-NS-V-NS.

The sentence pattern that describes the sentence "Hybrids produce less pollution than conventional cars" is S-V-NS-V-NS.

To understand the sentence pattern, we need to break down the sentence:

- The subject (S) of the sentence is "Hybrids" - which refers to hybrids.
- The main verb (V) of the sentence is "produce" - which shows the action being performed by the subject.
- The noun phrase (NS) "less pollution" acts as the direct object of the verb "produce" - which describes what is being produced.
- The second noun phrase (NS) "conventional cars" acts as the object being compared to - which tells us what hybrids are being compared to.

So the sentence pattern is S-V-NS-V-NS, which represents the structure of the sentence.