Lara has $5 but needs more money to buy a new bike. She decides to mow lawns in the neighborhood for $10 apiece to earn money. Which of the following tables shows the amount of money Lara will have , y, if she mows x lawns?

Lara earns $10 per lawn, so the amount of money she will have, y, depends on the number of lawns she mows, x. Thus, the table should show the values of x in one column and the corresponding values of y in another column.

Possible options for the table could be:

Option 1:

|x (number of lawns)|y (amount of money)|

Option 2:

|x (number of lawns)|y (amount of money)|

Option 3:

|x (number of lawns)|y (amount of money)|

These are just a few possible options for the table. The correct table would depend on the specific problem or context given in the question.