How did the Greek culture influence the development of the Roman republic? How did the Etruscan culture influence the development of the Roman republic? (4 points)

The Greek culture influenced the development of the Roman republic in the following ways:

1. Adoption of Greek Philosophy and Literature: The Romans were heavily influenced by Greek philosophy, literature, and drama. They adopted Greek philosophical concepts like Stoicism and Epicureanism, and also incorporated Greek plays and myths into their own culture.

2. Architectural and Artistic Influence: The Romans drew inspiration from Greek architecture and art, particularly in the use of columns, arches, and statues. This influence can be seen in Roman buildings like the Colosseum and in their artistic depictions of gods and mythological figures.

3. Political Organization: The Romans adopted elements of Greek political organization, such as the concept of a republic and the idea of elected officials. The structure of the Roman government, with its Senate and various magistrates, was influenced by the Greek model.

4. Military Tactics: The Romans learned military tactics from the Greeks, particularly the phalanx formation. They adapted and improved upon these tactics, eventually developing their own highly effective military strategies.

The Etruscan culture also influenced the development of the Roman republic in the following ways:

1. Religion and Rituals: The Romans adopted several religious practices and rituals from the Etruscans. They adopted the Etruscan belief in omens and the practice of augury (interpreting bird behavior for prophecies). The Romans also adopted some Etruscan deities and incorporated them into their own pantheon.

2. Engineering and Infrastructure: The Etruscans were known for their advanced engineering and infrastructure. The Romans adopted and expanded upon Etruscan engineering techniques, such as the use of arches and underground drainage systems (sewers). These engineering innovations greatly influenced the development of Roman architecture and infrastructure.

3. Urban Planning: The Etruscans were skilled city planners, and the Romans adopted their urban planning techniques. The layout of Roman cities, with their grid-like streets and central gathering spaces, was influenced by Etruscan urban planning.

4. Political Organization: The early Roman republic was structured similarly to Etruscan city-states. The Romans adopted elements of Etruscan political organization, such as the election of magistrates and the influence of an elite ruling class. They also adopted the Etruscan practice of consulting oracles for political decision-making.

Overall, the Greek and Etruscan cultures had a significant influence on the development of the Roman republic, shaping various aspects of Roman society, politics, and culture.