Talia noticed a sale at her favorite store. The points on the graph show how many items she bought of each. T-shirts were selling for

$5 each, long sleeve shirts were $10 each, jeans were discounted to $15 each, and sweaters were on sale for $25 each. Name the
point corresponding to the number of pairs of jeans Talia purchased.
(1 point)


To determine the point corresponding to the number of pairs of jeans Talia purchased, we need to analyze the given graph. However, since the graph is not provided, I am unable to visually determine the points. Therefore, I will explain the process of finding the answer.

1. Look for the labels or indications on the graph that identify the different items Talia purchased, such as t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, jeans, and sweaters. These labels are usually represented by letters or symbols.

2. Find the point on the graph that represents the number of pairs of jeans Talia purchased. This point should be labeled with a letter or symbol.

3. Once you have identified the correct point, check the options provided (A, B, C, or D) and select the point that corresponds to the number of pairs of jeans Talia purchased.

Without the graph, it is not possible to determine the exact point corresponding to the jeans purchase. Please refer to the graph or provide more information for a more accurate answer.