the word appease mean

to satisfy or appease someone means to fulfill their desires or demands in order to keep them calm or avoid conflict.

The word "appease" means to pacify, satisfy, or calm someone by giving in to their demands or grievances. It often involves making concessions or compromises in order to avoid conflict or further anger.

The word "appease" is a verb that means to pacify or satisfy someone's desires in order to avoid conflict or ensure calmness. It typically involves making concessions or compromises to keep someone satisfied or to prevent them from becoming angry or agitated.

To get the meaning of a word like "appease," you can look it up in a dictionary. There are various ways to access a dictionary:

1. Physical Dictionary: Use a printed dictionary by finding the word in alphabetical order and reading the definition.

2. Online Dictionary: Search for "appease" in an online search engine, and several online dictionaries will appear in the results. Click on one of the dictionary websites, enter the word "appease" in the search bar, and read the definition provided.

3. Mobile App: Install a dictionary app on your smartphone or tablet. Open the app, type "appease" in the search box, and the app will display the definition.

Regardless of the method you choose, dictionaries provide definitions, examples, and sometimes synonyms and antonyms to help you better understand the meaning of difficult words like "appease."