Find the cubic root of -64. (1 point)


The cubic root of -64 is -4.

To find the cubic root of -64, you can use the formula:

Cubic root of a negative number = - (absolute value of the number) raised to the power of (1 divided by 3).

In this case, the cubic root of -64 is:


Taking the absolute value of -64 gives us 64, so we have:

Cubic root of -64 = - (absolute value of -64)^(1/3)
= - 64^(1/3)

Calculating the value of 64^(1/3), we get:

64^(1/3) = ∛64 = 4

So, the cubic root of -64 is:

- 4.

To find the cubic root of -64, you can use the formula:

cubic root of a = ∛a

In this case, a is -64.

So, the cubic root of -64 is ∛(-64).

To calculate this, you can use a calculator or mathematical software that can handle complex numbers.

The cubic root of -64 is -4, because (-4) x (-4) x (-4) = -64.

Therefore, the cubic root of -64 is -4.