ised on your knowledge of the root "audi," which phrase describes an auditory signal? (1 point)

O a signal that is felt
• a signal that is seen
O a signal that is read
O a signal that is heard

A signal that is heard.

Based on the root "audi," which is derived from the Latin word "audire" meaning "to hear," the phrase that describes an auditory signal is "a signal that is heard." To arrive at this answer, you can break down the options and analyze the meanings:

- "A signal that is felt" does not align with the root "audi" since it is related to the sense of touch rather than hearing.
- "A signal that is seen" does not correlate with the root since it involves the sense of sight, not hearing.
- "A signal that is read" also does not relate to the root "audi" as it involves the act of reading, which primarily involves visual perception.

Therefore, the phrase that best matches the root "audi" and pertains to an auditory signal is "a signal that is heard."

Based on the knowledge of the root "audi", the phrase that describes an auditory signal would be "a signal that is heard".