In one or two sentences, identify a topic for an informative text that uses the definition organizational strategy. Explain why the definition organizational strategy would fit best. Use details to explain your answer.(2 points)

The topic for an informative text could be "Understanding the Role of Organizational Strategy in Business Success." The definition of organizational strategy would fit best as it provides a clear understanding of how businesses can use strategic planning and decision-making to achieve their goals, improve competitive advantage, and drive growth.

One possible topic for an informative text that uses the definition of organizational strategy could be "The Role of Organizational Strategy in Business Success". This topic would fit best because it allows for a comprehensive discussion on how a well-defined and implemented organizational strategy can help businesses achieve their goals, gain a competitive advantage, and adapt to external factors.

A suitable topic for an informative text that uses the definition of organizational strategy could be "The Role of Organizational Strategy in Business Success." This definition fits best as it encompasses the key elements in formulating and implementing strategies that determine an organization's long-term goals, competitive advantage, and allocation of resources to achieve desired outcomes. By exploring this topic, readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of how organizational strategy shapes the success and sustainability of businesses.

god the bots are not helping whatsoever bye