What is the most appropriate structure for handling code that is repeated multiple times in a program?(1 point) Responses recursion recursion stack stack queue queue function

The most appropriate structure for handling repeated code in a program is a function. Functions allow for code reusability, meaning that the same code can be called and executed multiple times throughout the program. This promotes modularization and simplifies code maintenance. Recursion, stack, and queue are not specifically related to handling repeated code, though recursion can be used in certain scenarios to handle repetitive tasks.

The most appropriate structure for handling code that is repeated multiple times in a program is a function.

Functions allow you to define a block of reusable code that can be called whenever needed. By encapsulating the repeated code within a function, you can avoid duplicating the same lines of code throughout your program, making it more efficient, readable, and easier to maintain.

Recursion and stacks/queues are not specific structures for handling repeated code, but rather different programming concepts. Recursion involves a function calling itself, while stacks and queues are data structures used to manage collections of elements. While these concepts can be used to handle repeated code in some cases, they are not the most appropriate structures for that purpose.

The most appropriate structure for handling code that is repeated multiple times in a program is a function.

Functions allow you to group a set of instructions together and give them a name, which can be called and executed multiple times throughout your program. By utilizing functions, you can avoid duplicating code and make your program more organized, modular, and reusable.

To use a function, you would define it with a specific name, specify any parameters it requires, and write the set of instructions that need to be executed inside the function body. Once defined, you can call the function by using its name in your program whenever you need to execute that set of instructions.

Within the function, you can also utilize additional data structures or algorithms such as recursion, stacks, or queues if they are needed to solve the specific problem you are trying to address. These structures can offer powerful solutions, but their usage depends on the specific requirements of your code and the behavior you are trying to achieve.