Find the cubic root 56.

Note: You will find the option to add a cubic root symbol in the Algebra ( ×
) keyboard.

(1 point)

The cubic root of 56 can be written as $\sqrt[3]{56}$.

To find the cubic root of 56, we can use the cubic root formula.

The cubic root of a number x can be represented as ∛x.

So, the cubic root of 56 is ∛56.

To find the cubic root of 56, we can use a calculator that has a cubic root function or we can use the exponentiation method.

Method 1: Using a Calculator
1. Enter the number 56 into the calculator.
2. Look for the cubic root function (usually denoted by a special symbol like ∛ or by the word "cbrt") on the calculator's keyboard.
3. Press the cubic root function.
4. The calculator will display the cubic root of 56.

Method 2: Using Exponentiation
1. Start by guessing the value of the cubic root. Since 4 cubed is 64 and 3 cubed is 27, we know that the cubic root of 56 is between 3 and 4.
2. Let's start with a guess of 3. Calculate 3 cubed (3^3) which is 27.
3. Since 27 is less than 56, we know that the actual cubic root is greater than 3.
4. Let's try a higher value, say 3.5. Calculate 3.5 cubed (3.5^3) which is 42.875.
5. Since 42.875 is still less than 56, we continue to increase the guess.
6. Let's try a guess of 3.7. Calculate 3.7 cubed (3.7^3) which is 50.653.
7. Since 50.653 is less than 56, we continue increasing the guess.
8. Let's try a guess of 3.8. Calculate 3.8 cubed (3.8^3) which is 54.872.
9. Since 54.872 is still less than 56, we can make another guess.
10. Let's try a guess of 3.9. Calculate 3.9 cubed (3.9^3) which is 61.629.
11. Since 61.629 is greater than 56, we know that the actual cubic root is between 3.8 and 3.9.
12. To get a more precise estimate, we can try other values between 3.8 and 3.9, repeating the process until we achieve the desired level of accuracy.