Whose example did consumers in the European market usually follow? (1 point)

A. Those with ties to Asia
B. Merchants
C. The elite (aristocrats, royalty
D. The middle class

C. The elite (aristocrats, royalty)

To determine the answer to this question, we need to consider the historical context of the European market and the behavior of consumers during that time.

During the time period being referred to, which is not specified, consumers in the European market usually followed the example of the elite, including aristocrats and royalty. These individuals were typically seen as having high social status and were influential in shaping cultural and consumer trends.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. The elite (aristocrats, royalty).

To arrive at this answer, we relied on historical knowledge and an understanding of social dynamics during the specified time period. It is essential to analyze the context and consider the behavior of different segments of society to arrive at an accurate answer.

C. The elite (aristocrats, royalty)