Which of the following drives the free market economy?

A. the needs and wants of the people
B. the supply of goods in the market
C. the number of consumers in the market
D. the gross domestic product

Is B. the correct answer or am I wrong?

The correct answer is A. the needs and wants of the people. The free market economy is driven by the consumer demand for goods and services. The supply of goods in the market (option B), the number of consumers in the market (option C), and the gross domestic product (option D) are all influenced by the needs and wants of the people. However, it is ultimately the needs and wants of the people that determine what gets produced and sold in the market.

Yes, B. the supply of goods in the market is the correct answer. The free market economy is primarily driven by the interaction of supply and demand. In a free market, producers (suppliers) determine the quantity of goods and services they are willing to produce and sell, while consumers (demanders) determine the quantity of goods and services they are willing to buy. The equilibrium between supply and demand in a free market determines the prices of goods and services.

Option A, the needs and wants of the people, is a factor that influences demand in a free market economy. However, it does not drive the overall functioning of the economy.

Option C, the number of consumers in the market, affects the size of the market and can influence demand, but it is not the primary driver of the free market economy.

Option D, the gross domestic product (GDP), is an indicator that measures the total value of goods and services produced within a country's borders over a specific period. While it provides information on the state and growth of the economy, it is not the driving force behind the free market economy.

I'd say A.