This diagram shows the formation of a cell plate in plant cells.

Final creation of the cell plate would be part of ___________.


d) Cytokinesis

The correct answer is:

d) Cytokinesis

The final creation of the cell plate in plant cells would be part of cytokinesis. To arrive at this answer, let's break down the options and narrow them down through the process of elimination:

a) Telophase: Telophase is a phase of mitosis when the cytoplasm begins to divide into separate cells. While telophase is associated with the formation of a nuclear envelope, it does not directly involve the formation of the cell plate.

b) Prophase: Prophase is the first phase of mitosis where the chromatin condenses into visible chromosomes. The formation of the cell plate does not occur during prophase.

c) G2: G2 is the second gap phase in the cell cycle before cell division where the cell prepares for mitosis. The cell plate is not formed during the G2 phase.

d) Cytokinesis: Cytokinesis is the final stage of cell division, where the cytoplasm divides to form two separate daughter cells. This is when the cell plate, which is made up of vesicles containing cell wall materials, forms in plant cells and eventually develops into the cell wall between the daughter cells.

Therefore, the correct answer is d) Cytokinesis.