Find the quotient of 1/2 and 12/7

To find the quotient, or division, of two fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.

The reciprocal of 12/7 is 7/12.

So, the quotient of 1/2 and 12/7 is:
1/2 * 7/12 = (1 * 7) / (2 * 12) = 7/24

To find the quotient of two fractions, you multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.

The reciprocal of a fraction is found by flipping the numerator and denominator.

So, the reciprocal of 12/7 is 7/12.

To find the quotient of 1/2 and 12/7, we multiply 1/2 by 7/12.

(1/2) * (7/12) = (1 * 7) / (2 * 12) = 7/24.

Therefore, the quotient of 1/2 and 12/7 is 7/24.

To find the quotient of 1/2 and 12/7, you need to divide 1/2 by 12/7.

1. Start by inverting the second fraction (12/7) to find its reciprocal. The reciprocal of a fraction is found by flipping the numerator with the denominator. Thus, the reciprocal of 12/7 is 7/12.

2. Now, multiply the first fraction (1/2) by the reciprocal of the second fraction (7/12). When multiplying fractions, multiply the numerators together and multiply the denominators together. So, (1/2) * (7/12) becomes (1 * 7) / (2 * 12).

3. Simplify the fraction, if possible. In this case, 1 * 7 = 7 and 2 * 12 = 24. Therefore, the simplified fraction is 7/24.

Therefore, the quotient of 1/2 and 12/7 is 7/24.