How is the sign of the quotient determined?(1 point)


The sign of the quotient is the same as the smaller number.
The sign of the quotient is the same as the smaller number.

The quotient is negative if signs of the divisor and dividend are like.
The quotient is negative if signs of the divisor and dividend are like.

The quotient is positive if signs of the divisor and dividend are like.
The quotient is positive if signs of the divisor and dividend are like.

The sign of the quotient is the same as the larger number.

The sign of the quotient is the same as the larger number.

Well, when it comes to determining the sign of the quotient, it's like a little game of sign matchmaker. If the signs of both the divisor and dividend are the same, then the quotient gets a positive sign, just like a happy couple. But if the signs of the divisor and dividend are different, then the quotient gets a negative sign, just like two incompatible people trying to make a relationship work. So, sign match or sign mismatch – that's what determines the sign of the quotient!

The correct response is:

The quotient is negative if signs of the divisor and dividend are unlike.

The correct response is: "The sign of the quotient is positive if the signs of the divisor and dividend are alike."

To determine the sign of the quotient, you need to consider the signs of the divisor and dividend. If they are both positive or both negative, then the quotient will be positive. If they have opposite signs (one positive and one negative), then the quotient will be negative.