Ebony is implementing the strategic plan to identify the major goals of her organization. What should she do first?

Form a strategy
Get feedback
Set goals


To identify the major goals of her organization, Ebony should first analyze the current state of her organization. Here's how she can go about doing this:

1. Review the mission and vision: Understand the purpose and long-term objectives of the organization. This will give Ebony a broader context for setting goals.

2. Assess the current situation: Evaluate the internal and external factors that may impact her organization's goals. This can include analyzing financial performance, market conditions, competition, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis).

3. Identify gaps and challenges: Determine what is lacking or hindering the organization from achieving its desired outcomes. This could involve analyzing data, conducting market research, or seeking input from relevant stakeholders.

4. Prioritize opportunities: Determine which opportunities align with the organization's mission and vision, and have the potential for significant impact. It may be useful to establish criteria for prioritization, such as feasibility, impact, and urgency.

5. Set goals and objectives: Once Ebony has a clear understanding of the current state and potential opportunities, she can set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for her organization. These goals should be aligned with the strategic direction, reflect the desired outcomes, and address any identified gaps or challenges.

By following these steps, Ebony can analyze the current state of her organization and identify the major goals that will guide her strategic planning process.

The first step Ebony should take is to analyze the current state of her organization. By conducting a thorough analysis, she can gain a clear understanding of the organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis will serve as the foundation for identifying the major goals of the organization and will help guide the development of the strategic plan.