Martina walked 3/4 of a mile in 3/5 of an hour at this rate how far can Martina walk in one hour

A. 1 1/4 miles
B. 1 2/3 miles
C. 9/20 of a miles
D. 4/5 of a mile

To find out how far Martina can walk in one hour, we need to calculate her walking rate.

Martina walked 3/4 of a mile in 3/5 of an hour, which means she walked 3/4 ÷ 3/5.
To divide fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. In this case, we multiply 3/4 by 5/3.

(3/4) * (5/3) = (3*5) / (4*3) = 15/12 = 5/4

Therefore, Martina's walking rate is 5/4 of a mile per hour.

The answer is A. 1 1/4 miles.

To find out how far Martina can walk in one hour, we need to determine the number of miles she walks per hour.

In the given information, it is stated that Martina walked 3/4 of a mile in 3/5 of an hour.

To find the distance Martina can walk in one hour, we can set up a proportion:

(3/4 miles) / (3/5 hours) = x miles / 1 hour

To find x, we need to cross-multiply and solve for x:

(3/4) * 1 = (3/5) * x

3/4 = 3x/5

Cross-multiplying, we get:

15x = 12

Dividing both sides of the equation by 15 gives:

x = 12/15

Simplifying, x = 4/5

Therefore, Martina can walk 4/5 of a mile in one hour.

So, the answer is (D) 4/5 of a mile.

To find out how far Martina can walk in one hour, we need to determine the rate at which she walks.

We're given that Martina walked 3/4 of a mile in 3/5 of an hour.

To find the rate, we can divide the distance by the time:

Rate = Distance / Time

Rate = (3/4 mile) / (3/5 hour)

To divide fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction:

Rate = (3/4 mile) * (5/3 hour)

Simplifying the expression:

Rate = (3 * 5) / (4 * 3) mile/hour

Rate = 15/12 mile/hour

Rate = 5/4 mile/hour

Therefore, Martina walks at a rate of 5/4 mile per hour.

To find out how far Martina can walk in one hour, we simply use this rate and multiply it by one hour:

Distance = Rate * Time

Distance = (5/4 mile/hour) * 1 hour

Distance = 5/4 mile

Therefore, Martina can walk 5/4 mile in one hour.

Converting 5/4 to a mixed number:

Distance = 1 1/4 miles

So, Martina can walk 1 1/4 miles in one hour.

Therefore, the answer is A. 1 1/4 miles.