Ben noticed that his BMI places him as overweight. He would like to lose a few pounds to achieve a healthy weight. Which of the following choices will best help him lose extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight?

(1 point)

He should identify his eating habits and develop strategies to eat healthier.
He should identify his eating habits and develop strategies to eat healthier.

He should follow a new fad diet, which requires taking diet pills.
He should follow a new fad diet, which requires taking diet pills.

He should continue his current eating habits, he is only a few pounds overweight.
He should continue his current eating habits, he is only a few pounds overweight.

He should exercise 4 hours a day for one week, then go back to his current habits.

He should identify his eating habits and develop strategies to eat healthier.

The best choice to help Ben lose extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight would be to identify his eating habits and develop strategies to eat healthier.

The best choice to help Ben lose extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight would be to identify his eating habits and develop strategies to eat healthier. This option focuses on adopting a sustainable and balanced approach to nutrition, which is essential for long-term weight management.

To get started, Ben can begin by assessing his current eating habits and making note of any areas where he can make improvements. This can include reducing portion sizes, incorporating more fruits and vegetables, choosing whole grains, and limiting processed and sugary foods.

Additionally, Ben can develop strategies to eat healthier by planning his meals and snacks in advance, keeping healthy food options readily available, practicing mindful eating, and finding healthy alternatives to his favorite indulgences.

By making gradual changes to his eating habits and developing a healthier relationship with food, Ben will not only be able to lose the extra pounds but also maintain a healthy weight in the long run. It is important to emphasize that crash diets, diet pills, or extreme exercise regimens are not sustainable approaches and can even be harmful to one's health.