How would you say “the flowers are big” using the correct form for “they” in Spanish?

(1 point)

Ellas son grandes.
Ellas son grandes.

Ellas está grandes.
Ellas está grandes.

Ellas somos grandes.

Ellas son grandes.

The correct form for "they" in Spanish is "ellas". Therefore, the correct translation for "the flowers are big" using the correct form for "they" in Spanish is:

Ellas son grandes.

The correct form for "they" in Spanish is "ellas" when referring to a group of females or a group of mixed genders. To say "the flowers are big" using the correct form for "they" in Spanish, you would say "Ellas son grandes." Let me explain how to arrive at this answer.

In Spanish, the word for "flowers" is "flores," and the verb "to be" is "ser." When using the verb "ser," we need to use the appropriate form of the verb that matches the subject. In this case, the subject is "they," which is translated as "ellas" when referring to a group of females or a group of mixed genders.

And since "flores" is a plural noun, we use the plural form of the verb "ser," which is "son." Therefore, the correct sentence in Spanish is "Ellas son grandes."

It's important to note that the other two options, "Ellas está grandes" and "Ellas somos grandes," are grammatically incorrect. "Está" is the singular form of the verb "estar," which is not correct for a plural subject like "ellas." Additionally, "somos" is the first-person plural form of the verb "ser," which should not be used for the third-person plural subject "ellas."