A student wants downstairs to class which statement correctly describes the types of energy that student has at the top of the stairs as she walks down the stairs, a kinetic energy at the top of the stairs, kinetic energy as she walks down be potential energy at the top of the stairs, potential energy as she walks down say kinetic energy at the top of the stairs, potential energy as she walks down the potential energy of the top of the stairs, kinetic energy as she walks down

The correct statement would be: The student has potential energy at the top of the stairs, which then gets converted into kinetic energy as she walks down.

The correct statement is: The student has potential energy at the top of the stairs and kinetic energy as she walks down.

The correct answer is: A student has potential energy at the top of the stairs and kinetic energy as she walks down.

When the student is at the top of the stairs, she possesses potential energy. Potential energy is the stored energy an object has based on its position or condition. In this case, the student has gravitational potential energy since she is at a higher position compared to when she walks down the stairs.

As the student walks down the stairs, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by an object due to its motion. As the student descends the stairs, her potential energy decreases while her kinetic energy increases.

To understand this concept, you can use the conservation of energy principle. The total mechanical energy (which is the sum of potential and kinetic energy) of the student stays constant. So, as the potential energy decreases, the kinetic energy increases, ensuring that the total energy remains the same.