Why should abrupt shifts in writing be avoided? (1 point)


They are confusing and can make writing or a conversation difficult to follow.
They are confusing and can make writing or a conversation difficult to follow.

They create consistency in voice.
They create consistency in voice.

They convey the attitudes and ideas expressed in the sentence.
They convey the attitudes and ideas expressed in the sentence.

They are difficult to correct.

They are confusing and can make writing or a conversation difficult to follow.

The main reason why abrupt shifts in writing should be avoided is that they are confusing and can make writing or a conversation difficult to follow. This is because sudden changes in the topic, style, or tone can disorient the reader or listener, leading to a loss of coherence and clarity in the overall message. Additionally, abrupt shifts can also create inconsistency in voice, which can further disrupt the flow of the writing. In order to maintain a smooth and easily understandable piece of writing, it is important to maintain consistency in voice throughout. Furthermore, abrupt shifts can also affect the conveyance of attitudes and ideas expressed in the sentence. Sudden changes in tone or style can alter the intended meaning or emotional impact of a sentence, potentially leading to misunderstandings or misinterpretations. Lastly, abrupt shifts in writing can be difficult to correct. Once a shift has occurred, it often requires significant revision or rewriting in order to restore coherence and maintain the original message. Therefore, it is best to avoid abrupt shifts in writing to ensure clarity, consistency, and effective communication.

The correct answer is "They are confusing and can make writing or a conversation difficult to follow." Abrupt shifts in writing should be avoided because they can confuse the reader and make it difficult for them to follow the intended message. This is important in order to maintain clarity and coherence in writing. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate the other options:

- "They create consistency in voice" is not a valid reason to avoid abrupt shifts in writing. Consistency in voice is important, but it does not directly relate to the negative effects of abrupt shifts.

- "They convey the attitudes and ideas expressed in the sentence" is also not a valid reason. While it is important for writing to convey attitudes and ideas clearly, abrupt shifts can actually hinder effective communication.

- "They are difficult to correct" is not a strong reason to avoid abrupt shifts in writing. While it may be challenging to correct these shifts, the primary concern is the negative impact they have on the reader's understanding.

Therefore, the best answer is that abrupt shifts in writing should be avoided because they are confusing and can make writing or a conversation difficult to follow.