Match the correct solution to a system of equations, graphed below not all answers will be used place to create solution beneath the graph. It matches two when is no solution infinitely many solutions (1,1) (-1,2), (-1.5,4.5), (0,-1)

Based on the information provided, it is not clear which equations are graphed below. Please provide the graph or the equations in order to match the correct solution.

To match the correct solution to a system of equations, we need to analyze the given graph and its corresponding equations.

First, let's look at the graph and try to determine the number of solutions.
Unfortunately, the graph is not provided in the text format, so I'll assume we are dealing with a system of two linear equations.

From the given solutions:
- (1, 1)
- (-1, 2)
- (-1.5, 4.5)
- (0, -1)

We need to match each solution to one of the following possibilities:
- No solution
- Infinitely many solutions

To do this, we can plug the x and y values of each solution into both equations and check if they are satisfied in both equations simultaneously.

Let's say we have the following system of equations:
Equation 1: ax + by = c
Equation 2: dx + ey = f

1. Solution (1, 1):
Plug x = 1 and y = 1 into both equations and check if they are satisfied simultaneously:
For Equation 1: a(1) + b(1) = c
For Equation 2: d(1) + e(1) = f

2. Solution (-1, 2):
Plug x = -1 and y = 2 into both equations and check if they are satisfied simultaneously.

3. Solution (-1.5, 4.5):
Plug x = -1.5 and y = 4.5 into both equations and check if they are satisfied simultaneously.

4. Solution (0, -1):
Plug x = 0 and y = -1 into both equations and check if they are satisfied simultaneously.

By going through these steps, we can determine which solutions satisfy both equations and match them accordingly to whether they represent no solution or infinitely many solutions.

Since I don't have access to the graph you mentioned, I'll guide you through the process of determining the solutions to a system of equations with the given points.

To match the correct solution to the system of equations, we need to determine the equation of the lines that pass through the given points and see if they intersect or not. Here's how to do that:

Step 1: Find the equation of the line passing through (1, 1) and (-1, 2).
- Let's use the formula for the equation of a line: y = mx + b.
- Substitute the coordinates (1, 1) into the equation: 1 = m(1) + b.
- Substitute the coordinates (-1, 2) into the equation: 2 = m(-1) + b.
- Now, we have two equations:
i) 1 = m + b
ii) 2 = -m + b

Step 2: Solve the system of equations.
- Subtract equation i) from equation ii) to eliminate b:
2 - 1 = -m + m + b - b
1 = 0
- Since we obtained a contradiction (1 = 0), this system of equations is inconsistent, meaning there is no solution.

Therefore, based on the points (1,1) and (-1,2), there is no solution to the system of equations.

As for the other points you mentioned, (1,1), (-1,2), (-1.5,4.5), and (0,-1), we will need additional information to determine whether they are part of the same system of equations or represent different systems. If you can provide more context or equations related to these points, I'll be happy to guide you further.