The solution to a system of two linear equations is x = 3 weeks; y = 9 feet

Match the description with the correct statement.
1.The solution to this system could possibly have this meaning.
2.How would you locate the solution of the two linear graphs on the coordinate plane?
3.How could you get exactly two or three solutions to this linear system?

1. The solution to this system could possibly have this meaning: The amount of time it takes for something to happen is 3 weeks, and the distance it travels during that time is 9 feet.

2. How would you locate the solution of the two linear graphs on the coordinate plane? By plotting the graphs of the two equations on the coordinate plane and finding their point of intersection, which would represent the solution to the system.
3. How could you get exactly two or three solutions to this linear system? By having parallel lines representing the equations in the system, which would result in no intersection or infinite number of intersections respectively.

1. The solution to this system could possibly have this meaning: This statement does not provide any specific meaning or context, so it is unclear what is being referred to. Without further information, it is difficult to determine what this statement is referring to.

2. How would you locate the solution of the two linear graphs on the coordinate plane?: To locate the solution of the two linear graphs on the coordinate plane, you would need to graph the two linear equations and find the point where they intersect. This point of intersection represents the solution to the system of equations. Plot the two lines on the coordinate plane using their slopes and y-intercepts, and then locate the point of intersection by finding the coordinates where the lines cross each other.

3. How could you get exactly two or three solutions to this linear system?: A linear system of equations can have zero, one, or infinitely many solutions, but it cannot have exactly two or three solutions. If the system has exactly two solutions, it means the two linear equations represent parallel lines on the coordinate plane that do not intersect. If the system has exactly three solutions, it would imply that the two lines intersect at two different points, which is not possible for a system of linear equations.

1. The solution to this system could possibly have this meaning.

Explanation: The statement describes how the solution (x = 3 weeks, y = 9 feet) could potentially represent some real-world meaning, such as the time it takes for something to occur (weeks) and the distance it covers (feet).

2. How would you locate the solution of the two linear graphs on the coordinate plane?

Explanation: This statement suggests that the speaker is asking for a method or technique to find the point of intersection of the two linear graphs on the coordinate plane, which would represent the solution to the system of equations.

3. How could you get exactly two or three solutions to this linear system?

Explanation: This statement is asking how it would be possible to have multiple solutions to the system of linear equations, either exactly two solutions or even three solutions.