Read the sentence and select the type of noun or pronoun that corresponds with the bolded word.

In Cleveland, a number of the attractions in the park system include a zoo and an aquarium.

compound noun

proper noun

intensive pronoun

demonstrative pronoun

compound noun

The correct answer is "compound noun".

To determine the type of noun or pronoun that corresponds with the bolded word, we need to understand what each option means.

1. Compound noun: A compound noun is a noun that is formed by combining two or more words to create a single noun. Examples include "firefighter," "sunflower," and "bookshelf."

2. Proper noun: A proper noun is a noun that refers to a specific person, place, or thing and is usually capitalized. Examples include "Cleveland," "John," and "Amazon."

3. Intensive pronoun: An intensive pronoun is a pronoun that emphasizes a preceding noun or pronoun. Examples include "myself," "yourself," and "himself."

4. Demonstrative pronoun: A demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that points to something specific in time or space. Examples include "this," "that," "these," and "those."

Looking at the sentence, the bolded words are "a zoo" and "an aquarium." Both of these are examples of compound nouns as they are made up of two words combined together to create a single noun. Therefore, the correct answer is "compound noun."