Every year in spring we plant wildflower seeds in my mother’s garden.

How many prepositional phrases are in the sentence above?

C. 3

The prepositional phrases in the sentence are "in spring," "in my mother's garden," and "in the sentence above." Therefore, the correct answer is C. 3.

To determine the number of prepositional phrases in the sentence, we first need to identify what a prepositional phrase is. A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition (such as "in," "on," "at," "from," "to," "with," etc.) and includes both the preposition and the object of the preposition.

Let's analyze the sentence: "Every year in spring we plant wildflower seeds in my mother's garden."

1. "Every year" - This is a prepositional phrase that starts with the preposition "Every" and has the object "year."
2. "in spring" - This is also a prepositional phrase that starts with the preposition "in" and has the object "spring."
3. "in my mother's garden" - This is another prepositional phrase that starts with the preposition "in" and has the object "my mother's garden."

Therefore, the correct answer is option C. There are three prepositional phrases in the given sentence.