Every year in spring we plant wildflower seeds in my mother’s garden.

How many prepositional phrases are in the sentence above?

There are two prepositional phrases in the sentence:

1. "in spring" - describes the timing of when the wildflower seeds are planted.

2. "in my mother's garden" - describes the location where the wildflower seeds are planted.

To determine the number of prepositional phrases in the sentence, it is important to understand what a prepositional phrase is.

A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and functions as an adjective or adverb to provide additional information in a sentence.

In the given sentence, "Every year in spring we plant wildflower seeds in my mother's garden," we can identify three prepositional phrases:

1. "Every year" - The preposition "every" is followed by the noun "year," making it a prepositional phrase.
2. "in spring" - The preposition "in" is followed by the noun "spring," making it a prepositional phrase.
3. "in my mother's garden" - The preposition "in" is followed by the noun phrase "my mother's garden," making it a prepositional phrase.

Therefore, there are three prepositional phrases in the given sentence.

There is one prepositional phrase in the sentence:

1. "in spring" is a prepositional phrase that indicates the time when the wildflower seeds are planted.