Randee draws these two triangles with lengths given in centimeters. What scale factor does she use to create the copy on the right from the original on the left? (1 point) Responses 2 2 123 1 Start Fraction 2 over 3 End Fraction 113 1 Start Fraction 1 over 3 End Fraction 12

Without the specific lengths of the sides of the triangles, I cannot determine the exact scale factor. Please provide more information.

To determine the scale factor, we need to compare the corresponding sides of the original triangle on the left with the copy on the right.

Let's label the sides of the original triangle as a, b, and c, and the corresponding sides of the copy as A, B, and C.

Now, we can compare the corresponding sides:
A/a = B/b = C/c

In the given question, the lengths of the sides are not provided, so we cannot directly calculate the scale factor based on the numerical values.

However, we can observe that the ratio of the lengths of corresponding sides is the same for all three sides of the two triangles. This indicates that the triangles are similar.

In similar triangles, the scale factor is always the ratio of any two corresponding sides.

Therefore, without the specific values of the lengths, we cannot determine the exact scale factor.

To determine the scale factor, we need to compare the corresponding side lengths of the triangles. However, the given options are not fully clear. If we assume that the options are listed in order, then the correct answer would be "2".