Randee draws these two triangles with lengths given in centimeters. What scale factor does she use to create the copy on the right from the original on the left?

1: board game: 1/6

2: Randee's problem: 2
3: 12, 4 with a height of 4
4: 4, 3
5: 5

wrong answ

Apologies for the mistake. Can you please provide the lengths of the corresponding sides of the triangles?

To determine the scale factor, we need to compare the corresponding side lengths of the two triangles. Unfortunately, there is no specific information provided about the lengths of the triangles or their corresponding sides. Without this information, it is not possible to calculate the exact scale factor Randee used to create the copy on the right from the original on the left.

To determine the scale factor, we need to compare the corresponding side lengths of the two triangles. Let's call the length of the corresponding sides in the original triangle "a" and "b", and the length of the corresponding sides in the copy triangle "c" and "d", respectively.

To find the scale factor, we can use the formula:

Scale factor = (length of corresponding side in the copy triangle) / (length of corresponding side in the original triangle)

In this case, we are given the lengths of the sides in centimeters. However, since we don't have the specific values, we can't calculate the scale factor. Please provide the actual lengths of the sides in both triangles, and I'll be able to calculate the scale factor for you.

Randee draws these two triangles with lengths given in centimeters. What scale factor does she use to create the copy on the right from the original on

10 in, 15, in, 18 in,
20 in, 30 in, 36 in.

The length of the smaller triangle has 10in , 15in, 18in,

and the larger triangle has 20 in, 30 in, and 36 in,

Answered anonymously rocks 100 % 😆

ty anon!

The scale factor can be found by dividing the length of the corresponding sides of the copy by the length of the corresponding sides of the original triangle.

In this case, the length of the corresponding sides of the copy triangle is 9 cm, and the length of the corresponding sides of the original triangle is 6 cm.

Therefore, the scale factor is 9 cm / 6 cm = 1.5.

So, Randee uses a scale factor of 1.5 to create the copy triangle on the right.