To which Caribbean nation does Santa Catalina Island belong? (1 point

ADominican Republic%0D%0ADominican Republic%0D%0A%0D%0ACuba%0D%0ACuba%0D%0A%0D%0APuerto Rico

None of the options listed - Santa Catalina Island does not belong to any Caribbean nation. It is actually located off the coast of Southern California in the United States.

Santa Catalina Island belongs to the Dominican Republic.

To determine which Caribbean nation Santa Catalina Island belongs to, we can use various methods such as conducting an online search or consulting reliable sources.

One option is to search for information about Santa Catalina Island's location. Typing "Santa Catalina Island location" into a search engine should give you relevant results. Look for reliable sources such as official government websites, travel websites, or reputable news sources. These sources should provide accurate information about the ownership of the island.

Alternatively, you could consult official government websites of the Caribbean nations mentioned in the options (Dominican Republic, Cuba, and Puerto Rico). Most countries have websites that provide information about their territories, including islands that belong to them.

Cross-referencing information from multiple reputable sources is a good practice to ensure accuracy. Once you have gathered sufficient information, you will be able to determine which Caribbean nation Santa Catalina Island belongs to.