A mask was made using some ivory pieces. What would this tell us about the culture that made it?

A: They lived in a region near the ocean.

B:They did not think ivory was valuable.

C: They were close to an elephant habitat.

D: They used a lot of symbols in their masks.

C: They were close to an elephant habitat.

C: They were close to an elephant habitat.

To determine what the creation of a mask using ivory pieces tells us about the culture that made it, we need to analyze the options given.

A: "They lived in a region near the ocean."
Creating a mask using ivory pieces does not necessarily indicate that the culture lived near the ocean. The mask could have been made from ivory sourced from trade routes or acquired through other means. Therefore, option A cannot be considered as a direct inference.

B: "They did not think ivory was valuable."
This assumption is unlikely to be accurate. Ivory has historically been considered a valuable and prized material in many cultures, especially due to its scarcity and aesthetic qualities. Therefore, option B is not a logical conclusion.

C: "They were close to an elephant habitat."
This option seems plausible. As ivory is derived from elephant tusks, a culture using ivory pieces in their masks could suggest their proximity to elephant habitats. Such proximity would provide easier access to ivory. Therefore, option C is a more likely inference.

D: "They used a lot of symbols in their masks."
This option cannot be directly inferred from the use of ivory pieces in the mask. The material used does not necessarily determine the frequency or use of symbols. The meaning and symbolism behind the mask would need to be further studied or analyzed to draw conclusions about the cultural use of symbols.

Based on the analysis, option C, "They were close to an elephant habitat," seems to be the most logical conclusion. However, it is important to note that additional research about the specific mask and the cultural context is required to make a definitive determination.