A mask was made using some ivory pieces. What would this tell us about the culture that made it?

A. They lived in a region near the ocean.
B. They did not think ivory was valuable.
C. They were close to an elephant habitat.
D. They used a lot of symbols in their masks.

C. They were close to an elephant habitat.

C. They were close to an elephant habitat.

To determine what the use of ivory pieces in a mask tells us about the culture that made it, we can analyze the options provided:

A. They lived in a region near the ocean.
To determine if the culture lived near the ocean, we would need additional information about the location or materials used in the mask. The use of ivory alone does not provide conclusive evidence for this option.

B. They did not think ivory was valuable.
The use of ivory in the mask suggests that the culture considered it valuable or desirable enough to incorporate into their craftsmanship. Therefore, this option can be ruled out.

C. They were close to an elephant habitat.
Based on the fact that ivory is derived from the tusks of elephants, the presence of ivory in the mask is an indication that the culture had access to elephants or elephant habitats. This option is a plausible answer since ivory is not readily available everywhere.

D. They used a lot of symbols in their masks.
The use of ivory pieces does not directly indicate whether the culture used a lot of symbols in their masks. This option cannot be directly inferred from the given information.

Considering these options, the most likely answer is C. They were close to an elephant habitat. However, it is important to note that additional evidence or information about the specific culture and the context of the mask would provide a more accurate understanding of its cultural significance.