Kelia is solving an equation for x . Her second step is to multiply both sides of the equation by 4. Which equation is she solving?(1 point)Responses


If you do 6 + 4x = 1, your second step would be dividing both sides by 4. This is because 4x is the same as 4 times x. The opposite inverse for multiplication is division.

The correct answer is 6 + x/4 = 1

Kelia is solving equation D: 6+4x=1.

The equation that Kelia is solving is:

D: 6+4x=1

To determine which equation Kelia is solving, we need to identify the equation in which she multiplies both sides by 4 as her second step. Let's evaluate each equation and see which one matches.

A: 4 + 6x = 1
In this equation, there is no multiplication by 4.

B: 6 + x/4 = 1
In this equation, Kelia would need to multiply both sides by 4 as her second step. However, this equation does not match the equation given.

C: 4 + x/6 = 1
In this equation, there is no multiplication by 4.

D: 6 + 4x = 1
In this equation, Kelia would need to multiply both sides by 4 as her second step. This matches the condition given in the question.

Therefore, the equation Kelia is solving is D: 6 + 4x = 1.