A playwright is writing a short play about a boy who finds a magic lamp with a genie inside. She wants to entertain her audience, but she doesn't want to spend too much time explaining the character's background. Which type of play would be a better fit for her drama?

one-act play

three-act play

A one-act play would be a better fit for the playwright's drama. One-act plays are typically shorter in length and focus on a single storyline or conflict. This format allows for a more concise and focused narrative, making it easier to entertain the audience without spending too much time on background explanations. Additionally, the shorter length of a one-act play allows for a quicker pace and more immediate engagement with the storyline and characters.

For the playwright who wants to entertain the audience without spending too much time explaining the character's background, a one-act play would be a better fit. One-act plays are generally shorter and more focused, allowing the playwright to create a concise and engaging story without the need for extensive exposition or a multi-layered narrative structure. With a one-act play, the playwright can quickly introduce the boy, the magic lamp, and the genie, and delve straight into the main conflict and resolution, keeping the audience entertained throughout the entire performance.

For the playwright who wants to entertain the audience while keeping the exposition to a minimum, a one-act play would be a better fit for her drama.

One-act plays typically have a shorter duration, ranging from 15 minutes to an hour, compared to three-act plays which can be much longer. The shorter duration allows for a tighter focus and less time spent on detailed character background and exposition. Instead, the playwright can jump straight into the action and conflict, keeping the audience engaged and entertained.

In the case of the short play about a boy who finds a magic lamp with a genie inside, a one-act play would allow the playwright to quickly establish the premise and dive into the main story without spending too much time explaining the character's background. The audience can be immediately immersed in the excitement and wonder of the situation, making it more enjoyable and engaging.