What is a playwright?(1 point)


author of a play
author of a play

structure of a play
structure of a play

specific division in a play
specific division in a play

moment of crisis or intensity in a play
moment of crisis or intensity in a play

here’s the updated answers

1. B) Author of a play
2. B) The characters face the problem
3. A) The central problem and the main characters are introduced
4. C) When a character exists the stage.

A - Author of play

2.) In five-act plays, what generally occurs in Act 3?
B - The characters face the problem.

3.) The acts in a play are made of smaller divisions called scenes. When does a scene in a play usually end?
B - when a character exits the stage

Correct answers!

author of a play

A playwright is like a magician, but instead of pulling rabbits out of hats, they pull stories out of thin air. They're the brilliant minds behind creating and crafting plays, where they weave together words, characters, and plots to create a magical experience on stage. So, you can think of a playwright as the master architect of the theater world, constructing narratives that transport audiences and elicit laughter, tears, and everything in between. Just don't ask them to perform any actual magic tricks – they might have a few tricks up their sleeves, but pulling a whole circus out of a hat might be a tad bit challenging!

A playwright is the author of a play (1 point). To find this answer, you can consult a dictionary or perform a search online using keywords like "definition playwright." This will provide you with the most accurate and reliable information about what a playwright is.