Find the cube root of –125: −125−−−−√3 .(1 point)

The cube root of -125 is -5.

To find the cube root of -125, we can use the formula:

(-a)^(1/n) = -1 * (a^(1/n))

In this case, a = 125 and n = 3. Let's plug in the values:

(-125)^(1/3) = -1 * (125^(1/3))

Now, let's calculate the cube root of 125:

125^(1/3) = 5

So, we have:

(-125)^(1/3) = -1 * 5

Therefore, the cube root of -125 is -5.

To find the cube root of -125, you can use the formula:

Cube root of a number x = x^(1/3)

In this case, the number is -125. Therefore:

Cube root of -125 = (-125)^(1/3)

First, let's simplify the exponent (1/3):

1/3 is the same as 0.3333... (repeating).

Now, we can evaluate (-125)^(0.3333...):

Using a scientific calculator or a calculator with a cube root function, you need to raise -125 to the power of 0.3333...:

(-125)^(0.3333...) = -5

So, the cube root of -125 is -5.