Find the cube root of –125: −125−−−−√3 .

The cube root of -125 is -5.

When you take the cube root of a negative number, is the sign of the cube root positive (+) or negative (–)?

When you take the cube root of a negative number, the sign of the cube root is negative (–).

To find the cube root of -125, you can use the concept of raising a number to a fractional exponent.

The cube root of a number x can be found by raising x to the power of 1/3. In this case, we want to find the cube root of -125.

So, -125^(1/3) = -5.

To understand this, you can think of it as finding a number that, when multiplied by itself 3 times, gives -125. In this case, -5 * -5 * -5 = -125. Therefore, -5 is the cube root of -125.

Here's a step-by-step breakdown:

1. Start with the given number: -125
2. Raise it to the power of 1/3: -125^(1/3)
3. Calculate the result: -5

Therefore, the cube root of -125 is -5.