evaluate the following expression 5c-2k when c=7 and k=3


To evaluate the expression 5c-2k when c=7 and k=3, substitute the given values into the expression:

5(7) - 2(3)

Simplifying the expression:

35 - 6 = 29

Thus, the evaluated expression is 29.

To evaluate the expression 5c - 2k when c = 7 and k = 3, substitute the values of c and k into the expression.

Therefore, the expression becomes:

5(7) - 2(3)

Simplifying the expression further:

35 - 6

This gives a final result of:


So, when c = 7 and k = 3, the value of the expression 5c - 2k is equal to 29.

To evaluate the expression 5c - 2k when c = 7 and k = 3, you need to substitute the given values of c and k into the expression and perform the arithmetic operations.

First, replace c with 7 and k with 3 in the expression:

5c - 2k = 5(7) - 2(3)

Next, multiply the numbers inside the parentheses:

5(7) = 35
2(3) = 6

Now, substitute the calculated values into the expression:

5c - 2k = 35 - 6

Finally, perform the subtraction:

35 - 6 = 29

Therefore, when c = 7 and k = 3, the value of the expression 5c - 2k is 29.